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I value creating original works for

spaces families use for rest.

There really is "no place like home" there?

My hope is that the artwork I create fills your space

with renewal & is balm for your soul.


Emily grew up & lives in Charlotte, NC. Throughout most of her life art has been an outlet through which she expresses awe she has for the world around her. She was originally drawn to & studied Interior Design at the

Art Institute. She worked professionally as a designer for years until she felt a calling to do mission work abroad.


Her experience of living and serving overseas for a year, across multiple continents, expanded her love of God's creation.  Her heart began shift towards painting & she began to capture what her spirit felt on canvas.

Emily's hope is that her art brings peace & her palettes soothe. 

Often, she finds herself sketching prayers & inspirational text underneath the layers of her paint.  

"Brushstrokes run deep," Emily believes, '"Art speaks, it heals, & tells stories the world needs to hear."

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